Dog Ignores Commands

Is your dog giving you deaf ears? Avoid repeating the same command repeatedly and trying to force your dog into obedience until you hear a response. Instead, consider these scenarios, which represent some of the most frequent problems when training dogs.

1) Treats of low value: Is it worth the effort?

The romantic myth that dogs are there to please humans is hard to disprove. Dogs are opportunistic and often think “what’s the point in it for me?” According to the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, (APDT), The correct use of treats can make a difference in whether your dog is excited to learn and if they aren’t. Low-value treats, such as kibble, can cause your dog to lose interest. This is especially true during learning stages or times when distractions are present.

Remember to give your dog soft, chewy treats that are smelly and small.

Dog Ignores Commands

You can allow your dog to quickly eat the treat and keep his eyes on you instead of being distracted by longer-lasting treats.

2) The Low Rate of Reinforcement: Is it a waste?

Your dog might find it more enjoyable to sniff the grass or mark territory than train him. What’s the reason? This is likely because some stimuli are more interesting than others and worth your attention. Your dog may not have received any training at all in the past. You can motivate your dog by rewarding him with more rewards for his efforts in training. This will help him pay attention more to you and less to distracting stimuli.

Low reinforcement levels can cause dogs to become frustrated, give up and quit trying.

3. High Criteria: Do You Have Too Many Questions at once?

Here is the place where “Be a Splitter, not a Lumper” really comes in to play.

Sometimes it is tempting to attempt to instill new behavior all at once. You may find yourself asking too many things from your dog when they stop working with you. Dogs often fail to obey commands because they find it too difficult. Don’t make it too difficult for your dog. Instead, try to break down the goal into smaller steps that are more manageable. For example, if your goal was to get your dog to touch the top of a stick using his nose, reward him by touching any part of it at the beginning. Once your dog is comfortable with this technique, you can reward him for only touching the tip of the stick.

Do your best to keep your dog’s progress moving forward. Also, don’t make training too lengthy – they will get bored!

4) Too Many Distractions

Dogs learn the best when they have little or no distractions.

Make sure you start training in a calm place.

When your dog can perform this behavior in quiet rooms, you should gradually ask your dog to do the same in noisy areas. Next, move on to the yard.

Your dog might not be able to respond if you immediately start walking on busy streets or in a dog park.

Lack of training: Have you ever trained your dog?

There is a possibility that the dog has learned to disregard the handler if the handler has been inconsistent or not followed through on their commands. Because the idea of training a dog is new, dogs who have not been trained or have had the freedom to be their own boss for most of their lives can find it difficult to learn the basics. The handler must be interesting enough to make the dog listen. This can be done by using reward-based training techniques such as Adrienne Farricelli’s Brain Training for Dogs.

6) Unclear Cues: Are You Confusing Your Dog?

Dogs are attracted to consistency so ensure you use the same command cue every time and all people who train your dog follow the commands. Consider whether the command is a consistent one. If your dog stares blankly at you when you ask them for it, you might want to consider whether they have used the command before.

It is common to see a couple in classes where the wife calls the dog “come”, while the husband refers to the dog as “here”. Do not ask for behavior in more than one way. Also, make sure that your body language matches the verbal commands. Dogs are more attracted to body language than verbal cues.

You should also try to not repeat the same commands repeatedly. Otherwise your dog may not listen when you speak it first. Instead, they will wait until you finish speaking.

7) Frustration Buildup: Are you Getting Frustrated?

Dogs can read body language well and are able to sense frustration. Dogs will often become more cooperative if their handler is frustrated. To end the session with a smile, ask your dog to perform a well-known behavior (such as sitting) and reward him. If your dog finds the exercise too difficult, you can give him another chance to try it.

Keep in mind, however, that your dog will be more comfortable listening to you if your voice is raised, your body moves down, or you get into his face.

Emotional problems: Is Emotional interference getting in your way?

Training may be affected if a dog’s emotional state is anxious, fearful or nervous. The dog may be in an emotional state of fight or flight, which can affect his cognitive function and impair his ability to learn. You may have to start by working in places where the dog is more likely to fear and gradually increase his exposure to stimuli that do not trigger him.

If your dog is afraid of thunder and you want to play recordings at full volume for him, then first turn down the volume so that he can hear it but not be scared. You will reward your dog for listening to the sounds, and then gradually increase the volume. Desensitization is an important technique in dog training.

9) Health Concerns: Does your dog feel uncomfortable or in pain?

Your dog may not be listening to you if he is feeling sick or unwell. Your veterinarian should check for any health problems if your dog is not being as attentive or obedient as he was in the past. Orthopedic problems may manifest as sloppy sitting or refusal to lie down.

Some dogs might not be able to train on certain surfaces due to medical reasons. Sometimes a dog who is distracted may just need water or to go outside.

Imagine how much better you would do in an exam if your bladder was full!

10) Are you forgetting to brain train your dog?

Dog owners often don’t realize this but idle minds can lead to serious problems. Many owners allow their dog to play by the fire all day. This can lead to behavior issues and other problems. Engaging your dog’s mind and getting them to think is the key to training them well.

Dogs would have spent a lot of time in the wild performing survival tasks before they were domesticated. Dogs had special roles in human relationships, even in modern times. These natural instincts are still evident in today’s dogs. You will see how some dogs love to sniff out scents and dig when they spot prey on a tree. Dogs are more motivated than humans to be productive, which can lead to behavioral problems and disobedience.

Dog owners often spend thousands on training their dogs, when what they really need is more stimulation for their brains.

Brain Training for Dogs is a great solution. Adrienne Farricelli, CPDT-KA, a professional trainer, wrote Brain Training for Dogs. Her work was featured in USA Today and Nest Pets. Through 21 fun and simple games, the novel and scientifically-proven methods taught by Adrienne are sure to improve the lives of both you and your dog! Brain Training for Dogs will help your dog become a more well-behaved, respectful dog.

Are you ready to start brain training? Click here to view my brain training course

>>> Get brain training for your dogs right away

There are many reasons your dog might not listen to what you say. You shouldn’t label your dog stubborn and stop shouting orders like a drill sergeant. Don’t abandon training. Instead, give your dog some time to think about what might be happening.

Better training should be possible if you have a better understanding of dogs learning processes.